Instinct or no?
The geese are freaking out my cats!
I live in a high-rise apartment and we have a goose problem in the city. I have two cats that really consider themselves to be hunters. They sit at the window and watch the birds and bugs flying around, menacingly staring them down. Ready to pounce if only this damn glass pane wasn’t in the way! But today I have the cats in a great big dog create on the balcony. The geese are flying overhead and honking like mad. The cats are anxiously darting their eyes around and look very afraid. Thankfully the honking stops and the cats settle down for a nap in the sun. Later on, despite being so scared of the geese earlier, they sit at the window, studying the pray and waiting for the moment to pounce again.
Then there are the great escape attempts into the hallway of the building. They have had it with being cooped up in the apartment and they are heading out into the world. I suppose the plan is to find shelter then forage for food. That is until the elevator door opens, or God forbid a human steps out of their suite. Then it’s panic and light speed back to the safety of their home.
These cats have big plans and big dreams, but sadly, they don’t understand the complexity or scope of the world outside their world. A world they are ill equipped to handle. I do not speak cat, but I have done my best to warn them of the dangers that are everywhere. Alas, it falls on deaf, furry ears. Despite my warnings and their own repeated close calls, they continue to venture out into the hallway.
What does this say about cats? Cats are stupid? Cats, despite being spoiled house cats, have basic natural instincts? The “wild” cannot be completely bred out of an animal? I don’t know. I do know that as a cat owner it is funny to watch.
Maybe the lesson here is that we cannot completely control the instincts we are born with. We have certain predispositions that will influence our choices in life. The child of an artist can be predisposed to being creative. If born into a long line of laborers, a child will more than likely be a laborer. Children of alcoholics and addicts are often more at risk of having substance abuse issues.
Nature versus nurture has been long debated in the psychological community. I tend to lean towards nurture. I believe that we are born with free will. I would be hard pressed to attribute any of my alcoholic behavior to anyone but myself. My spiral in to the depths of addiction was of my own doing. I made poor choices and completely lost control. Regaining the control was also of my own doing, in that I made the most important decision when I agreed to accept help. I did not do it alone, quite the opposite. I was very fortunate to have incredible souls help and guide me through the process, but as it has been said to me by these very people, I did the work. The direction my life was taking has changed, and I am eternally grateful.